This Blog was created from my E-Newsletters that I was wriiting at the time the retonements where revealing themselves.This is a sharing of information as it came in. I have left it in place so the energy may be shared. The writtings themselves are downloaded with frequencies.

May you be blessed on your journey to wholeness of the divine being and illuminated from your own reflection.


The Activations

Blessings from Kimberly………
Thank you my friends. The response from the last letter I sent has been humbling and I bless each of you. Thank you for your support. Now that I have grounded I will try to explain and back up a bit.
Many of you know I have been receiving an energy system for several years now. I have dated material back to 1999; the work I have fondly called The Sphere Work. I have searched far and wide for the answers to this. I just wanted to know where the book was or was someone teaching this. I approached other healers and scholars like a Multi Level salesman. You know the ones that talk to anyone within 3 feet of them about their product. People walked away, they couldn’t hear what I was saying or couldn’t understand me. It seemed to consist of the Tree of Life, the Merkabah, sacred geometry and assorted symbols from several different cultures and religions. The work started with these balloons in the energy field. They have a name now, the orbs. The orbs are our undeveloped light and they distort the perception of the Soul. To become light they return to the body through the charka system, which is an over lapping holograph with the other systems. From this work I began receiving transmission activations, initiations, awakenings, attunements; pick a word any will do. Currently I have received 4; I believe there might be 7. Also I have received information regarding matrixes. I believe all of this is encoded within your cellular memory and it is time to awaken. Many of you have done parts of this with the light work you have already received. Some people can receive all of the work at once, for others more mending is required before the awakening can occur. The first transmission activation is Mother Matrix, second the Eye of Horus, third Golden Kundalini, and the fourth is the Sacred Heart.
This work is scheduled in sessions, usually an hour. Some people detox or sleep for a day afterwards, others have extraordinary energy and clarity. All have an unexplainable knowing of clarity by the third day. (They may not know what they clear about). I can do the work distantly, but you must engage fully with me during these sessions. I will put you on speaker phone and explain when explanation is needed for your conscious mind. As your Monad heals and collapses you will go into the process of clearing and supporting Gaia through her Ascension. Where did the work come from? Creator, All Time, Gaia and her support team, Lords of the Light. The Greater Aspect welcomes you to the Ascension of the Light Body. Your energy exchange is $72.00. No healing or transmission will be denied due to finances. Call 270-799-9354 or email me at