This Blog was created from my E-Newsletters that I was wriiting at the time the retonements where revealing themselves.This is a sharing of information as it came in. I have left it in place so the energy may be shared. The writtings themselves are downloaded with frequencies.

May you be blessed on your journey to wholeness of the divine being and illuminated from your own reflection.



Greetings from Kimberly………….

Thank each of you for your support through these times of transition and for the role you play I am in gratitude from my heart.
Each day is bringing many lessons of being in the presence and the true learning that healing can truly only occur in the NOW. Within the presence moment of stillness, the moment before the place of action and the movement forward. Within that moment healing occurs in the breath of surrender. I share with you one of my favorite quotes from Hafiz, "I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, th e astonishing light of your own being”...

Very time I step outside I am surrounded by one of my gardens it is a reminder of the seed we plant today is the garden of tomorrow. What are you planting for your future? Remembering the nursery rhyme Mary, Mary quite contrary now does your garden grow?????

Speaking of Mary…….. Many of you know that for quite sometime I have been connecting with a stream of consciousness that present's itself it energy form of a healing modality .Of recent I received more clarity with this energy system. The grid is the Tree of Harmony and The activations contain retunements to Grail codes. With that said, May 5th I was visited by the ”Black Madonna” and she revealed she activated within me the knowledge of how to witness a gene replacement healing code of the Grail Codes within the DNA . At the t ime of this occurrence I was working with a client and thought this was for this individual. Then like with previous Retunement activations and work repeated itself in sequence on the next three people I worked with. I ask to be shown what had occurred below is an exert from the information.
The following day someone forwarded me a channeling form Celia Fenn which confirms that more than one person is tapping into the same stream of consciousness. This is the link to her work scroll down to The Grail Codes of 2008 : A Conversation with Archangel Michael" by Celia Fenn.

Another interesting aspect of this is, the weekend before I went into one of my Spirit art painting FRENZIES and spunout 3 Mary paintings. One with Isis anointing the pregnant Mary with Horus watching. The painting titled itself” Blessing the SUN”. Many times when paint I paint several pieces in conjuntion, the sister painting that was birth during this download name itself “Message of Mother” which is the Cosmic Mother with the Virgin, the third I’ve been processing for awhile Titled itself “The Conjuring of Gaia” which revealed itself to me as the Black Madonna, Merlin the alchemist and Gabriel Arch Angel engaging the planes of existence with the Essence of Gaia.
So I googled Black Madonna this link is more affirmation.

Auto Writting Channeled message from the Black Madonna ……….This is the lineage of the Black Madonna the healing frequencies are carried within your frequency encodement.
I hold space for gratitude of healing for this planet in the Awakening of the Harmony Heart of the Planetary healing of the heart of Gaia. I am the sovereign one I have transmuted the pain of sorrow for eternity I breathe new life into the dead, to the mournful for all shall arise into life the eternal flame of the fire of life. I anchor the rays of light and Color, that are blended into your awareness from my tapestry of eternal life …..Elmaconaelicoseka …...... I hold space for the Greater Aspect…….The rays of light and color are beginning to emerge in the consciousness of perception in individuals on the earth plane. These individuals are starseed who embody encodements in this universe, galaxy, solar system or planet therefore are enable to perceive the encodements that are being generated into all planes of existence . We The Greater Aspect have volunteered our loving assistance for all who welcome the enlightment in spiritual consciousness of this world, We join our loving energies in collaboration with you to bring majestic healing, joy and love from the Creators of All there is be in Peace. During this stage of immenseness, brings forth healing for the Planetary Heart of Gaia, and a time to reclaim the Divine Feminine Christ energy within individual Hearts. The Grail Path or the Codes that carry the path to Divinity through Service to the Divine Mother element of Source are being re-activated. As individuals, you will learn to cherish and honor the Beloved as expressed through the Divine Feminine intergrated, as a path of spiritual service to the Light of Creator within your hearts. As a collective, you will walk in Inner Peace & remember to serve Beauty and Truth and Love .Through this service to integrate the gentle, loving and su pportive energies of the Mother aspect of Source into your society once again. This will enable you to create support and nurturing abundance for all. I bless you and cherish you as I and others of the Greater Aspect hold space for the re-acclimation. I AM of the Mothers I am The Black Madonna I leave you with my anointing Bless it be….

Activating the codes is quite simple just go to the All that is Command The gene replacement and activation of the grail codes and witness. You may have a few oaths and vow to pull…experience some past lifehood recall…etc. It’s all Good… Creator also gave me an Inner Peace download to set up the Matrix ,So while you at it ask be shown that too….If you feel you would like assistance in this process and would like an appointment you may reach me at 270 799 9354 or email me

Below is the Ascension piece that I received in April. If you have this you may need to clear it before you do the Grail Codes, the clearing will follow the process to occur more effortlessly…… hence less drama

The Activations

Blessings from Kimberly………
Thank you my friends. The response from the last letter I sent has been humbling and I bless each of you. Thank you for your support. Now that I have grounded I will try to explain and back up a bit.
Many of you know I have been receiving an energy system for several years now. I have dated material back to 1999; the work I have fondly called The Sphere Work. I have searched far and wide for the answers to this. I just wanted to know where the book was or was someone teaching this. I approached other healers and scholars like a Multi Level salesman. You know the ones that talk to anyone within 3 feet of them about their product. People walked away, they couldn’t hear what I was saying or couldn’t understand me. It seemed to consist of the Tree of Life, the Merkabah, sacred geometry and assorted symbols from several different cultures and religions. The work started with these balloons in the energy field. They have a name now, the orbs. The orbs are our undeveloped light and they distort the perception of the Soul. To become light they return to the body through the charka system, which is an over lapping holograph with the other systems. From this work I began receiving transmission activations, initiations, awakenings, attunements; pick a word any will do. Currently I have received 4; I believe there might be 7. Also I have received information regarding matrixes. I believe all of this is encoded within your cellular memory and it is time to awaken. Many of you have done parts of this with the light work you have already received. Some people can receive all of the work at once, for others more mending is required before the awakening can occur. The first transmission activation is Mother Matrix, second the Eye of Horus, third Golden Kundalini, and the fourth is the Sacred Heart.
This work is scheduled in sessions, usually an hour. Some people detox or sleep for a day afterwards, others have extraordinary energy and clarity. All have an unexplainable knowing of clarity by the third day. (They may not know what they clear about). I can do the work distantly, but you must engage fully with me during these sessions. I will put you on speaker phone and explain when explanation is needed for your conscious mind. As your Monad heals and collapses you will go into the process of clearing and supporting Gaia through her Ascension. Where did the work come from? Creator, All Time, Gaia and her support team, Lords of the Light. The Greater Aspect welcomes you to the Ascension of the Light Body. Your energy exchange is $72.00. No healing or transmission will be denied due to finances. Call 270-799-9354 or email me at


Witnessing... April 4th 2008
This week I'm seeing something in all of my clients I witnessed an implant that was received willingly to be Lightwarriors, as starseeds before we came into this existence...It is at the sternum looks kind of like a belt buckle. Rectangle with a bar in the middle. I was told , The Beings to be People took an oath to be an Light "warrior "until all the undeveloped light was gone. Used their own body to transform the energy, the mechanism is still present and it is still drawing duality to them. This energy allowed individuals to embrace the Spiritual Warrior / Light warrior archetype and at the time the mechanism was needed for the mission. As energies have increased in vibrations this role is no longer necessary to be embodied in this matter...Even if you have pulled the programming of the battle with duality, if the implant was not removed it is still causing duality with enties. This is expressed as psychic attacks...ECT.You just command for it to be removed and pull the oath .The person goes from Light warrior to Light Weaver.
Platinum light enters into their system to be utilized. I was told this light is a very high vibration and it has not been totally anchored into the 3D at this level before. I witnessed this light weaving from the sternum (this is the point that I call the soul assimilation point) to the 3rd eye master gland. I was recalibrated three times and Creator told me to download the Platinum energy for 10 days to stabilize this energy. The energy is incredible. My energy visualization skills have dramatically increased with details.

Voice of Gaia Newsletter October 2007
Blessings From Kimberly...............

In the Planets............In keeping with the season of turning leaves and palpable change, prepare to embrace renewal this fall! The biggest upheaval heading your way will be Mercury's retrograde. Need help figuring out what your next big move should be? Do you need to solve a puzzle, find a solution or get to the bottom of something? Every decision counts more than ever from October 11 onward. When Mercury -- planet of communication -- pedals backward in intense Scorpio, little will stop you from acting out your deepest desires. Contemplate, but don't dwell, on the past. Figure out your feelings before Halloween, because once Mercury goes direct on November 1, you won't be able to focus your energies so effectivel
In the midst of the outer planet energies swirling around us at this time,
Chiron, (the wounded healer) squaring Mercury(the messager) as it stations retrograde on the 11th, represents the increasing consciousness of painful past patterns of conditioning that are ripe for review and discard, especially with the liberating symbolism of Jupiter and Uranus at our disposal right now. The important mid-month configurations remind us also that our own personal transformation will, as in one piece of a holographic image, effect a corresponding change in the world around us. We can choose to keep on making ourselves miserable, that is certainly one choice, or we can join a movement toward freedom from the past. Letting go of our grip on dysfunction is the key to happiness, in this or any other situation, but especially so in these climactic times.
This is a time for Celebration and Joy. In this month, you will feel the ascension or "lift" in your consciousness as a Joy and Lightness of Heart and Spirit. You will feel the Divine Feminine in her Solar aspect as Creative Energy and Joy as you anchor your Consciousness fully into the Harmonic Universal Matrix of the New Earth.No soul is bound by any universal law to remain with any person, any group or any situation if the Soul no longer chooses it to be so. When the Soul chooses not to be so because that cycle is complete, that pathway has been fulfilled, nothing more to be done and when that is not honored that is when the problems set in. Dis-eases state will occur. The soul is creating a way out of the situation and the physical human is olbiding it’s obligation to the Soul. The heart chakra fragments immensely as well and this is what causes many heart wounds which influence ones ability to integrate the full power of love. We mourn for selflove and the world sorrow carries on.
Healing Self with Compassion and Forgiveness.....................
Last month I wrote about witnessing the Inner Awakening Matrix and the Wounds of Humanity.This is a follow up on the information. Here's my Blog if you want to read the full article.
How and when where the wounds created?
When I ask this question the first time I received just keep writing stay focused and the answer will come. Two mornings later I awoken about 5 am and it was revealed to me. I was questioning life and an issue of my own. I was going through my organs releasing the webbing of the Inner Locked Matrices I thought why did I take this on, how did I do this and I heard.”Out of your own stubbornness, from the first time you didn’t forgive yourself”. I had an inner vision and I saw the web being knitted every time I felt the same emotion and didn’t release through forgiveness it made another loop in the net. The wounds of humanity are actually created when we edge out god-self from embracing and forgiving ourselves. The damage occurred when first act of non forgiveness came about. The subject of self forgiveness was relinquished and left out of life's equation. Every act of forgiveness is part of relationship to self. We seldom give our permission to have less than perfect outcomes in our lives. Being less than perfect is part of the false impression for the course of our human experiences and lessons. We learn our life lesson's through trial and error. If we continue to judge ourselves constantly, we will overlook the path of self forgiveness and the reward of authenticity.
This ache can linger for years. Then it becomes a pattern that reflects in all situations. We feel we could have done better or we should’ve. We judge ourselves for things as small as not remembering .We make excuses, because we don’t believe our truth was good enough. We don't allow ourselves to be humanly compassionate to ourselves. We plague ourselves with the thoughts of why,why,why and believe that we have to hold on so we won’t create the same err again. This creates the initial vibration which continues to build frequency every time we feel the same emotion we collect and hold on, our organs become a courdan and we lock it in with the web. Maybe that’s what the phrase “Oh the webs we weave’, is interfering to?
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the act of the act of pardoning somebody for a mistake. Accepting the actions of yourself or others which you felt were harmful or negative based on your personal perception.
We are our own worst enemy in our own victim hood. We may believe that holding and harboring grudges does harms way to another person. We are in fact damaging self by covering up a fear under our own anger. Anger is not the final emotional destination we have when we are upset with some one. Underneath any anger are additional fears that we bury and play hide and seek with grasping to understand ourselves. True healing of our relationship to others can be accomplished trough forgiveness and understanding this was created from our own fear. Course of miracles teaches where are only two feelings Love and Fear and Fear is lack of love. What is so hideous within the self that we must conceal? It is the untruth we carry, the belief that we are separate and inherited flaws.

Self forgiveness is so very essential to releasing humanity from its trespasses.

Tremendous energy is expended to suppress the feelings we have about our own short comings. If we forgive whatever we judge as inferior within ourselves, this can set free the many ties that bind us from experiencing happiness. Wounds not forgiven are carried by the soul into the next life hood. Forgiveness is the opportunity to heal future, release the past and experience of true joy of living in the moment fully present in our truth.
Our authentic truth, not the made up pretend truth, the perceived truth of what we think others want us to say, nor the protective truth that we speak because we think it is the "their truth". We are only holding back our truth to protect ourselves from giving our power away. This is an illusion self postulated. No one can take our power, we give it away in the moment we give our energy to some external force. We deny our truth , take on the energy of another,renounce self, disempower our being, and our knowing of inner truth, this yields victim hood. No one can perpetuate victim hood but self. Maybe we gave our power away to be liked or accepted or because we feared the true power of self knowledge. Somewhere, some how we believed we should endure such grief. Maybe we come to this lifehood with the belief that we where separate in some way. Maybe it’s not pain but growth of self realization. Resolving the polarity is the key of healing.

This polarity can hold us back from spiritual and personal growth. What keeps us going back and forth? What drives our inner struggle? Sometimes we feel alone or that we're the only one with a particular issue. This is a false reality or illusion. We have all come from the same source. As humans we are all interconnected within the same field of energy. Each of us has similar core issues too. They are buried beneath the surface. This information is accessed by the subconscious mind knows this and can create fears. Fear that we are separeted from God and inherently flawed everyone has or has had these issuses, As an individual we have unique experiences that cause the accumulation of other secondary fears, beliefs, and perceptions of life. Our unique experiences create a world specific to us which can be negative or positive (fear or faith). Of course our daily lives are full of both types of moments.
We must have greater faith in ourselves and compassion for others to release the fears that take so much energy from our lives. It can be easier to walk the path on our journey if we understand everyone shares the same core issues. We can stand in allowance of self and merge into compassion for humanity.
We actually store these wounds within our organs which act as an energy reservoir which hold on to the emotional energy. A blockage occurs when a pattern is established by a collection of events we froze and locked in. We didn’t use our energy to transmute; there was an inference in the pattern of the sequencing of energy. A block is created in the neuro receptors and physical and chemical imbalance occurs within the human instrument. This sets up an intrinsic pathway. A known path found in body part....,.So how do we release the path of no intrinsic value? One way to do this is, disengage the energy with another frequency, a different vibration. The vibration of Light and seal it with sound by toning. Sound this hidden power is limitless, and holds an amazing ability to heal and transform. Toning and Sound: Toning is a technology and Light language for the multi-dimensional transmission of Light, color, codes, and geometries. Toning is a process of using these vibrations with the purpose to create healing within you, others and the planet.
So simply listen to your Song Soul and you will Sing the song of the Harmonic Universal Matrix।

Blessings Kimberly

Jay's Rock Shows
Oct 29-30 Evansville Indiana Mall
Nov 10 th -11th Louisville Ky VFW On Bardstown Rd

Inner Awakening Matrix Revealed

Inner Awakening Matrix™
August 21, 2007 I was downloaded from Creator a technique that is new to me. Sunday August 19.2007 I received a message that a new energy concept would come to my awareness the name given was Inner Awakening Matrix(I AM).August 21,2007 I was working with a friend ,client, colleague sharing information that I brought back from my 8 day trip to Idaho Falls teaching assisting at Vianna Stibal’s Thetahealing teachers Certification. Vianna shared with us her new technique in releasing sorrow from the heart with tone. I went into Theta to facilitate the client by supporting her with the technique of releasing sorrow. By the grace of Creator, we where gifted and downloaded together with information that evolved into a healing sequence. The following days the technique unfolded.

For several years I have been receiving information from Creator of a higher vibrational energy system that we as humans will be evolving into that carries more light capacity. Others have received this same information that we will emerge into a unified chakra system.
I front of my eyes this system revealed itself. The information was recieved in light and tone and translated itself into a descriptive language as I shared the information and witnessed activation of the new grid within others.

This is the channeled information that was revealed and witnessed. Through Creator I guided Carolyn into her inner being as a light. We where given the instructions for her to permit herself to go to the organs of where she held wounds of humanity. This is what I witnessed: I saw a black net wrapped around her intestines. I guided her to go into the intestine to tone to release this webbing. Instead of tone we both witnessed a light explode outward like fireworks then we heard a tone, this proceeded up her entire system. We realized after we got to the throat that this energy release technique flowed up through the chakra system .Precisely flowing into and releasing specific organs related to the according chakra. When we reached the throat there where multiple chambers within the throat. We where given language that represented each chamber. We had to release the throat before we could release through heart. Once in the heart we encounter 4 chambers within the heart. After we finished with the Carolyn we where going to facilitate the same with me. We commanded the work take place and instead we witnessed another grid reveal.
As I began to center within my heart, I witnessed what I call the Core Star. I see the Core Star as a diamond shaped faceted crystal that spins between heart and throat at the chest area. The Core Star to me is the pure energy of your soul essence. (I have been working with this for years and have other techniques using the Core Star) From my Core Star a light beam descended into the earth this light beam was labeled the Thread of Conscious. It connected to another star below my feet the Earth Star. As this activated I witnessed an infinity symbol looping in horizontal fashion below my feet. After that fully ignited a light ascended to my knees and another infinity symbol activated at my knees after this stabilized the light ascended to my hips, a third infinity symbol activated at my hips. The center point of the hip infinity symbol‘s energy intersected the location of where the root chakra is located. The light energy went up my middle column reconnecting to the Core Star at the chest. Then an infinity symbol activated at the location of what was the heart chakra. This energy looped up to the area known as the throat charka and when to the crown chakra area. These infinity symbols interlooped like a chain. From that point after the energy stabilized a third Star activated above my head this was labeled the Solar Star. In this moment Carolyn and I where confused, but ecstatic. Where are no words to explain the awareness that came with this connection. Carolyn became drowsy and needed to lie down. I wanted to go on through my own organs and release the black webbings that I had witnessed within Carolyn from my own self. I proceeded to my healing table. I was downloaded with more information.

That evening my regular meditation class was meeting in my office. I explained to my class what had happened during the day and that I was still processing. I was being guided to turn this over to Creator during mediation for the allowance of receiving more information. In this supportive group energy specific directions where given and recorded via the group process. Subsequently more information was received the following days.
The next night I awoke with the message of “This is the awakening retunment of the unified chakra field and activation retunement of the light body’’. Well either one of the concepts is actually new to the “New Age” seekers and initiates. Many people are familiar with these terms and I know these activations have already occurred with other vibrational techniques. In the past then the unified chakra field forms, meaning all chakras are blended together in an oval surrounding the body, resulting in emotions experienced throughout the whole body. The recipient could feel the inclination to withdraw from human life. Since all human emotional desires cease to control the being, it is uncomfortable to engage in human “games”. Consequently, the person can come across as being aloof. By releasing the Inner Locked Magnetic Matrices with the Inner Awakening Matrix Technique the shift is demised and easier transition occurs freeing the recipient from entrapment of the collective consciousness demands. The recipient gains clarity of perception of the Divine Intention.
The following morning I called another long time friend and colleague, Janet to share with her this technique. We proceeded to activate the grid within Janet’s inner being field. This is actually when the understanding of the activation of the Lightbody formed into language with this process. During Janet’s activation I witnessed the Lightbody Activate. As the inner locked magnetic matrices released from her organs, beams of lights connected to the next point creating a grid which looked like constellations. Within the constellations sacred geometry symbols arose. We where told the sacred geometry symbols would be assemblemed differently amongst humanity in different sesquencees. This has to do with energies each lightbody is desinated to carry.
Following information is a summarization of collective assessment of the information process downloaded from the Creator of All there is.

What these inner locked Mactices? Where and when were they formed and what was their purpose?
They represent the wounds of humanity. The original chakra system acts as vortex energy. Emotional energy is funneled and absorbed into the human instrument. The emotional energies are flooded through the pathways that link your anatomical systems and organs and glands to specific chakras and levels of your energy body. Often we store stagnated unresolved energy in these energy pathways and this creates the blocks for healing vibrations to flow into our physical cells and to the weaker anatomical systems of our physical body. The acceleration of healing for our physical body’s systems are focused on as damaged occurred from a stagnated system is released. The wounds HUMANITY COLLECTED INTO SPECFIC ORGANS REPRESNTED BY EACH CHAKRA.
The original chakra system is separated in its function from front to back. The front of the chakras functions as emotional energy and the back self will. Where is a filter like between the front and back of the chakras .This sometimes clogs up creating dysfunction within the energy body. This blockage created the magnetic pull which created the holding pattern of the wounds of humanity to be stored within the indidvual‘s energy system. This keeps us locked into old Archetypical paradigms .All blockages are released. Instead of being conical, the chakras start to become spherical and overlap each other’s fields. This configuration permits information from his or her lightbodies (fields of energy which surround the physical body) to come through more easily, including communication with the Higher Self.
The Inner Matrix Awakening activates the unified chakra field, a system of multidimensional refractive points. This illuminates the original divine blueprint, accessing Gateway Chakras. These additional chakras have always been a part of us as our pure potential. This Galactic activation brings in the Christ consciousness. It connects and unifies all the energies of the lightbody with the physical body, providing us with a deeper connection to our spiritual essence.
The unified chakra awakening is a powerful process that will assist you to: Increase your spiritual awareness. Bring about a peaceful state of mind. Address apathy and low energy. Awaken your soul and nervous system .Increases the amount of light in your body. It supports your metamorphosis at every level. The unified chakra awakening creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field.
It helps screen out other people's perceptions of reality. Most of you walk around in other peoples' energies because you light bodies are separated and stagnated with the inner locked matrices. The key objective for Lightworkers, is to get in your bodies and understand that your energy is a unified system of oneness and wholeness.
The collected wounds of the collective consciousness created magnetized webbing that appears like nets around the specified organs. The Inner Awakening Matrix uses light to release the grids holding the wounds of humanity which create dysfunction within our being. Tone is then used to set up a sonic wave which will rebound any absorbed energies back into light. The Inner Awakening brings focus deeply on the energy clearing between specific anatomical systems of your physical body and the other levels of your energy body. This opens our cells to more of our Divine Presence which will transcend the wounds of humanity into wholeness.
The opportunity of supportive energy that unbolted on Earth during time of the lunar eclipse on August 28, 2007 and the following partial solar eclipse on September 11, 2007 was a very significant gateway for humanity. This gateway allowed awareness during the preceding week many where downloaded with understandings of the Earth Infinity Grids that are available to access Now. Divine timing, has created a huge shift in the construction of the mass consciousness of humanity which will also create a great fulfillment in your being.
During this eclipse gateway the opportunity of information to retune and align the entire being was transmitted. You will be able to retune and align your body, your spirit, your soul, and your evolutionary conscious. This is a grand ILLUMIOUS time.
Retuning your ESSENCE is very much like rebooting your computer. When you upload a new computer program you have to turn off your computer and start up again so that the new program will work appropriately. That accurately emphasizes what's going to transpire with you in this gateway. Once rebooted, the old programs systems and expressions will no longer work suitably. So if you're finding that certain areas of your life are not flowing or manifesting in the way they should, maybe this is the universe saying that it is an old outdated program, and it is time to delete it from your consciousness.
From the June 21, 2007 solstice, to the Perseid meteor showers culminating on August 12, 2007, you received, whether you were aware of it or not, new programs in your consciousness. Now it is time to put them to work. If you are feeling the building pressure in your chest, almost to the point where you feel like you can't breathe, then you are already feeling this reboot.
This energy will allow you to let go of the old world. Let go of your past, your wounds, your betrayals, your insecurities, and even your beliefs that you are somehow not a brilliant masterful being. You will expand to the awareness of it is time to release Saviorship and be the complete being of light that reflects the energy of I hold the place for your light, how may I reflect this to you.
The activation of the Earth Infinity Grid brings synthesis of unanimity via the thread of conscious by interconnecting the Earth Star, the Core Star, the Soul Star and the Solar Star.
Your Earth Star is you’re the individual connection with the energies of a harmonious relationship with the planet and anchors the body into the time and space coordinates of the planet. The Earth Star point connects us to the Earth’s Core as well as the Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields. The Earth Star point forms prior to birth in the geographic location and familial circumstances required by the Soul to accomplish the lessons of mastery. It contains the memory of the Soul’s journey and the key to this life’s infinite paths. It contains the memory of the One Path that is the Soul’s Highest Intent for this lifetime. The New Light of this energy center represents the concept that this lifehood is the completion of the current Planetary Cycle of karma, its limitations, and its anguish. After this activation, this lifehood of physical incarnation will begin to remember mastery, experience expanded awareness, and prepare with all life forms in the Universe for an evolutionary shift closer toward the Divine Essence. Recognition of the varied other Consciousness within the Universe at large and in the various other dimensions of time and space and our connection to them is highlighted. Earth incarnation is not experienced as restrictive but as the time for expansion and transformation that will result in a heaven on Earth, a new cycle of existence, or the Golden Age of the human species. The Earth Star point color vibration is dark silver or black. The field of influence is the recognition of assisting the true purpose of the greater plan of the greater aspect of the individual’s earth purpose.
The Thread of Conscious ascends up the body and activates the knee infinity symbol. This yields the energy of the ability to dissolve the emotional attachment to past and stand in the empowerment of the knowledge and wisdom gained with the ability to move forward on the path of awareness.
The Thread of Conscious then moves to the activation point of the infinity symbol located at the hips. This is the knowing understanding of the Divine perception of survival, the absolute of beingness. It connects you to the Almighty Infinite essence of this. This energy concept is uploaded into every cell of your body from this assimilation point that intersects with the energy position of the root chakra. Traveling up your middle column after releasing the Inner locked magnetic Matrices as you travel up your organ systems you will carry the power to activate into the Lightbody of the original Divine Blue print.
The Core Star unifies with the Heart. Core Star is the core of divine truth of your indivdual essence, within lies purity and pristine energy of who you are. At this point the Heart transforms into an infinity symbol that interconnects the throat to the pineal, activating the master cell to the crown. This will ignite the activation of the Solar Star.
The Solar Star is the connection to the remembrance of the Cosmic connection of the greater plan of the greater aspect.
In the completion of the amalgamation of the Earth Star, Core Star, Soul Star and the Solar Star you will have completely crossed the bridge and have begun acclimatizing to the new frequencies. It is a much higher altitude/frequency than you are used to. It will take some adjusting. This is what you might call the shift to the ages. You have pushed the evolution envelope by your strong will, tenacity and strong intense spiritual focus. You know your enlighten self and won’t hear yourself thinking that you are less than a lighted master. You are the first human beings in a dualistic 3-D reality that has been able to push the envelope, be open to the fact that what lies ahead of you in the very near future is wildly astonishing, beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, and harmonious, and a place you remember deep inside as home. Why will it be this way you ask? Because you not only wanted this new reality, and believed it was possible, and now beginning to act as if this amazing new future is already here. When you do act as if, you quit being an initiate, and step into the role of the living master.